Tuesday, July 8, 2014

A method to his sanity (more Aquinas)

Please look again at the Aquinas selections in the Bush anthology.

What is Aquinas' basci method in approaching truth?  What are the strengths of his method? Weaknesses?


  1. St. Thomas Aquinas's method of defending the Christian faith is a very logical, formal, direct approach. This approach has the benefit of being very clear and runs less of a risk of being misinterpreted. However, in the process of finding clarity and efficiency, his writing also gains somewhat of a predictable, robotic nature. It loses some of the mystery and beauty of writing, like what City of God by Augustine has. But for those people with very straightforward, logical minds, Aquinas's works are perfect.
    Claire DeMilia

  2. I think that St. Thomas Aquinas's methods are very interesting. Especially in "Summa Contra Gentiles". You can see throughout this book every chapter has a logical question we are trying to answer. He make it very clear throughout what he is trying to convey to the reader. I think its good however it can be written a little better because this isn't for the average reader. Its very logical as well as formal. I think others who are trying to use this for their apologetic ideologies it will work but for whoever is just trying to read it a grasp it they are going to have a harder time reading it.

  3. While his writings are very straightforward and aimed at the people who are good at deep-thinking, they wouldn't have been attractive to everyone at that time that this was written, and would probably leave a lot of people more confused than anything. Many people prefer the predictable writing style since they can figure how things are going to end and not be left trying to make sense of what is being told to them by themselves. This helped his writings to be clear, but not open to interpretation by those who don't have a clear understanding of what is being said in the text.
